Friday, 6 November 2009

iPod, uPod, podOff

Almost everyone in the world - well, North Devon - has an iPod and frankly it gets on my nerves. I don't have an iPod, but, confession time, I do have an MP3 player (why are they called MP3s?) Anyway, the reason for my irritation with iPods and MP3s, and, more specifically, their owners is the way they cut the users off from the rest of the world. Fans of iPods may well say that's one of the main benefits and I do understand that sometimes, when everyone and everything outside your own personal bubble is just too much, a bit of thrash metal, hard house, Glenn Miller or even Stravinsky can be just the thing. But what a sodding nuisance it is when you need to communicate with these people or when you want to reverse your car without getting all their nasty blood over your rear bumper. With the tiny little earphones shoved firmly in their ears, they seem to be completely oblivious to what's going on around them and then look all affronted when you either have to bellow at them to get their attention or get out of the car to gently wave them out of the way. I'm not sure if that bit is in the Highway Code, if not, maybe it could include a bit where you're allowed to use a cattle prod on recalcitrant pedestrians. Yes, I know, pedestrians were here first, but sometimes they just don't help themselves. Oh God, I'm getting more like Victor Meldrew by the minute. Sadly, I do believe it.

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