Actually nothing rude, just a good idea, I think. I’ve been dreadfully dilatory of late and to make amends I’m bouncing back with a great plan to save the economy, avert the need for most (but probably not all) cuts and generally put a smile back on all our faces.
This idea of staggering genius is to get those banks which were bailed out by the UK taxpayer to pay back the many millions of pounds that saved them from disaster. And because I’m not proud or remotely egotistical, I’ve shared this idea with our Prime Minister. As well as sending David Cameron a letter containing my suggestion, I have also written with the same idea to George Osborne. As the saying goes, success has many fathers and I really won’t mind if they both claim credit for this idea.
And, of course, it’s not really my idea, is it? Because to be honest, wouldn’t we all expect any organisation that was saved with public money and which then went on to reward some of its senior staff with bonuses of truly breathtaking size to feel more than slightly obligated to paying back the public money? This is not some radical “all property is theft” notion, it’s common decency. It’s what a friend you’ve helped out with a few quid does when they get back on their feet. They pay you back and say thank you and while you shouldn’t offer help in the expectation of reward, it’s nice when you are thanked and know that what you did was appreciated.
Which brings me back to the banks, who not only filled their boots big time with taxpayers’ money, they threatened to leave these shores when there was talk of legislation being introduced to control some of the banking industry’s wilder excesses. It was almost a words-fail-me moment when I heard that, I was almost reduced to frothing at the mouth and biting the carpet. Not like me at all.
Anyway, now I’ve calmed down and have come up with the “idea of staggering genius” so all will be right with the world. As soon as I hear back from the PM and the Chancellor I’ll let you know, but surely it can only be a matter of time before they get the banks to pay us back…can’t it?
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