I cycled to work this morning and then, this evening, I cycled back. I've been talking about doing this for two years - almost to the day. It's a distance of ten or eleven miles one way, but I always found a reason for not doing it. Now I have, and, despite the pain in my nether regions (Lord, don't I go on about my nether regions) I am feeling pretty proud of myself. People at work were surprisingly impressed. All I did was cycle along the Tarka Trail one way in the morning and then reverse the process in the evening.
Along the way I passed a field with mares and their foals. They were beautiful. I also heard oystercatchers. They were beautiful. In fact, the whole experience was beautiful. Apart from the pain in the nether regions. If only I had known I would enjoy the experience of cycling to work so much, I would have done it a lot sooner. In a way that harks back to what I was saying a few days ago about wanting memories not regrets. In good conditions, which will undoubtedly not apply all the time, the ride along the Tarka Trail is a brilliant way to start/finish your working day. Now I know that I will repeat it, but what put me off discovering it in the first place was a general feeling of fear (almost) that the whole thing would be so arduous and unpleasant that I would hate it.
Anyway, by all accounts, of the various ways to achieve enlightenment, experience is the toughest. So my enlightened state to do with riding to work has been achieved at the expense of realising that I have missed out on something I would have enjoyed, if only I had got on with it sooner.
I had intended to write about women and constipation, but yet again I have gone on about something else. Maybe the women and constipation posting will be soon. Also just a small point, but I understand that Molly Sugden actually spelt her name Mollie. However, her pussy was pussy and not pussie. Also the bloke who played Private Sponge in Dad's Army has died.
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