That's the title of a song by Ann Peebles. Great, idiosyncratic delivery which ramps up the power as it goes. It is also my state of mind. I am fed up with the rain (not such a good song title) and while I am not particularly a believer in some of the sayings and saws that many people hold so dear, I am beginning to wonder if the picture below might have some bearing on our weather.
Rain...on St Swithin's Day
You see, that photograph was taken while rain was lashing down on July 15, St Swithin's Day, which is reputed to mean that we are in for 40 days of rain thereafter. It's Monday now and it's rained every day since Friday. To be honest, I really can't be arsed to record whether or not we get rain every day until nearly the end of August, but I wouldn't be surprised...or something. End of weather forecast.
PS My dog is acting funny, I wonder if that is anything to do with the weather.
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